- INFORMATION_EN 2022.06.29 Selected for the 20th Japan Gastroenterological Surgery Conference President’s Award MORE READ
- INFORMATION_EN 2022.06.27 Progress: We provided pre-development consultation (PMDA consultation) for medical devices. MORE READ
- INFORMATION_EN 2022.06.27 Progress: We provided pre-development consultation (PMDA consultation) for medical devices. MORE READ
- INFORMATION_EN 2022.06.14 Announcement of results: Attended the 50th Anniversary Research Forum of Pipetman, Gilson. MORE READ
- INFORMATION_EN 2022.06.01 Research Results: Usefulness of the Decellularized Skeletal for iPS Cells MORE READ
- INFORMATION_EN 2022.05.12 Progress: Kobe Steel inspected the plant MORE READ
- INFORMATION_EN 2022.04.25 Progress: Meeting with consultancy [GLOBIZZ] has started MORE READ
- INFORMATION_EN 2022.04.18 Publication:The 122nd Annual Meeting of the Japanese Surgical Society MORE READ
- INFORMATION_EN 2022.04.12 Progress: I inspected a factory. MORE READ
- INFORMATION_EN 2022.04.12 Progress: I inspected a factory. MORE READ